Give to the Insurance & Financial Services Center

Your investment in the IFSC can be applied in two ways: in support of the Center and/or directly into a  scholarship fund .

The majority of students in the Insurance Studies Program  work while attending college; scholarships are extremely helpful to them.

They also apply for internships that give them valuable experience as well as academic credit.

Begun by Dr. Barry Smith (Finance Department), with generous donations from the New Mexico insurance industry, the Insurance and Financial Services Center  (IFSC) provides wide-ranging opportunities for students, faculty, and the insurance industry.



A debt of gratitude is owed to Dr. Edward Lujan  for his vision and steadfast support in making the Insurance Studies program and the IFSC a reality at NMSU.

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Our major donors also include the New Mexico Mutual Group, MSIG, Blue Cross Blue Shield-NM, the Lujan Family, Nestor and Angela Romero, Independent Insurance Agents of New Mexico, Kemper Auto and Home Insurance Company, and Kinney Insurance Company.