Department: Management
Title: Department Head and Professor
In addition to her teaching role, Dr. Flinchbaugh has several ongoing research projects focusing on the topics of employee responses to workplace demands, HR systems in the non-profit setting, and understanding generational differences in the workplace. She is an advisor to the NMSU student SHRM Chapter.
Ph.D. in Management, University of Kansas
MBA Indiana University
M.Ed. in Counseling, Lynchburg College
B.A. in Psychology, Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Chadwick, C. & Flinchbaugh, C. (2016). The Effects of Part-Time Workers on Establishment Performance, Journal of Management, 42(6), 1635-1662.
Flinchbaugh, C., Li, Pingshu, Luth, M., & Chadwick, C. (2016) Team-Level High Involvement Work Practices: Investigating the Role of Knowledge Sharing and Perspective Taking. Human Resources Management Journal, 26(2), 134-150.
Intindola, M., Lewis, G., Flinchbaugh, C., & Rogers, S. (2017). Web-based recruiting’s impact on organizational image and familiarity: Too much of a good thing? International Journal of Human Resources Management.
Luth, M., Flinchbaugh, C., & Ross, J. (2017). On the Bike and in the Cubicle: The Role of Passion and Regulatory Focus in Cycling and Work Satisfaction, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 28, 37-45.
Ross, J., Valenzuela, M., Intindola, M., & Flinchbaugh, C. (2017). Preparing potential leaders: Facilitating a learning experience on LMX and fairness in the workplace. The International Journal of Management Education, 15(1), 84-97.
Flinchbaugh, C., Luth, M., & Li, Pingshu (2015). A Challenge or a Hindrance? Understanding the effects of stressors and thriving on life satisfaction. International Journal of Stress Management, 22(4), 323-345.
Flinchbaugh, C., Schwoerer, C., & May, D.R. (2016). Helping yourself to help others: How cognitive change strategies improve employee reconciliation with service clients and positive work outcomes. Journal of Change Management, 1-19.
Flinchbaugh, C., Valenzuela, M, & Li, Pingshu (2016). Developing employee socio-technical flexibility in a multigenerational workforce. Journal of Management and Organization, 1-16.
Intindola, M., Rogers, S., Flinchbaugh, C., & Dellapietra, D. (2016). Hospital Administrative Characteristics and Volunteer Resource Management Practices. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 30 (3), 372-389.
Flinchbaugh, C., Moore, E. W. G., Chang, Y.K. & May, D. R. (2011). Student Well-being in the Classroom: The Effects of Stress Management Techniques in the Management Education Classroom. Journal of Management Education.
New Mexico State University (NMSU):
MGT 503 – Organizational Behavior and Management Processes
MGT 645 – Doctoral Seminar in Human Resource Management
MGT 465 – Contemporary Issues In Human Resource Management
New Mexico State University (NMSU) and University of Kansas: