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Chris Sroka

Chris Sroka

Department: Economics, Applied Statistics, and International Business

Title: Associate Professor

(575) 646-2597
GU 403
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Dr. Sroka joined the faculty of New Mexico State University in Fall 2016. He received his PhD in Statistics from the Ohio State University in 2008. His research interests include statistical models for count data and methods for evaluating the risk of food contamination.

From 2008 to 2016, Dr. Sroka worked as a research statistician in the private sector, first at Battelle in Columbus, Ohio, then at RTI International in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Through his work in industry, Dr. Sroka became an expert in statistical modeling, simulation, survey sampling, and risk assessment. He has collaborated with researchers in many fields, including epidemiology, economics, environmental science, and engineering. Prior to studying Statistics, Dr. Sroka worked as a health care economist for the federal government.

The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

  • Ph.D., Statistics, August 2008
    • Dissertation Topic: "Extending Ranked Set Sampling to Survey Methodology"
    • Advisers: Elizabeth A. Stasny, Douglas A. Wolfe

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

  • M.S., Statistics, June 2006

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

  • M.A., Economics, December 1998
    • Concentration: Industrial Organization

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

  • B.A., Economics and Political Science, May 1997

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Sroka, C.J., McIver, K.L., Sagatov, R.D.F., Arteaga, S., and Frongillo, E.A. (2015). "Weight Status Measures Collected in the Healthy Communities Study: Protocols and Analyses." American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 49(4), 642–646.

Strauss, W.J., Sroka, C.J., Frongillo, E.A., Arteaga, S.S., Loria, C.M., Leifer, E.S., Wu, C.O., Patrick, H., Fishbein, H.A., and John, L.V. (2015). "Statistical Design Features of the Healthy Communities Study." American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 49(4), 624–630.

Other Publications

Baskin, R.M., Owens, P.L., Sroka, C.J., and Geppert, J.J. (2014). "A Comparison of Small Area Models Used in the Quality Indicators Program Sponsored by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality." Proceedings of the 2013 Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology Research Conference. Available at: Link

Sroka, C.J. (2006). "Nonparametric Statistics." In: Salkind, N.J., ed. Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc., 2006.

Sroka, C.J. (2005). "Statistics the EESEE Way!" STATS: The Magazine for Students of Statistics. Spring 2005, Number 43.

Techincal reports

Sroka, C. "Analysis of Excess Costs Due to Patient Safety Events." Battelle. Prepared for the Ohio Hospital Association. November 24, 2014.

Sroka, C. "Analysis of Infection Rates Following Permanent Pacemaker-Like Device Procedures Using Veteran Data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services." Battelle. Prepared for the Office of the Medical Inspector, Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs. September 30, 2014.

Sroka, C. and Fishbein, H. "Final Risk Analysis Plan for Enhancing the Sample Design and Analytic Approach for the Project on Permanent Pacemaker Devices." Battelle. Prepared for the Office of the Medical Inspector, Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs. August 22, 2014.

Sroka, C. "Indexes Calculated from Housekeeping Practices Survey." Battelle. Prepared for the Office of the Medical Inspector, Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs. July 24, 2014.

"Assessment of Statistical Power for the Healthy Communities Study." Available at Link.

Sroka, C. and Fishbein, H. "Evaluating Pacemaker Project Sample Design." Battelle. Prepared for Office of the Medical Inspector, Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs. May 17, 2012.

Strauss, W., Sroka C., and Fishbein, H. "The Use of Control Chart to Examine Peer Review Rates at Veterans Affairs Medical Centers." Battelle. Prepared for Office of the Medical Inspector, Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs. April 19, 2011.

Strauss, W., Sroka C., and Fishbein, H. "Characterization and Normalization of VHA Peer Review Data." Battelle. Prepared for Office of the Medical Inspector, Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs. February 11, 2011.

Sroka, C.J., Stasny, E.A., and Wolfe, D.A. "Constructing Confidence Intervals from a Ranked Set Sample." The Ohio State University, Department of Statistics. Technical Report 783. August 5, 2006.

Sroka, C.J., Stasny, E.A., and Wolfe, D.A. "Ranked Set Sampling: Where Are the Samplers?" The Ohio State University, Department of Statistics. Technical Report 752. May 27, 2005.

Lyke, B. and Sroka, C.J. "Tax Benefits for Health Insurance: Current Legislation." Congressional Research Service. CRS Issue Brief IB98037. May 14, 2003.

Sroka, C.J. "Health Care Spending: Past Trends and Projections." Congressional Research Service. CRS Report RL31094. February 27, 2003.

Sroka, C.J. "Medicare: Beneficiary Cost-Sharing Under Proposed Drug Benefits." Congressional Research Service. CRS Report RL31525. January 24, 2003.

Sroka, C.J. "Medicare+Choice: Using Competitive Bidding to Determine Payments." Congressional Research Service. CRS Report RL31434. June 25, 2002.

Statistical Applications (AST311), Fall 2016

Statistical Analysis I (AST565), Fall 2016