Department: Management
Title: Professor
Contact for: Center for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA) broadcasts
Research Interests: Human resource management, Employee safety, Organizational behavior, Work teams, Research methodology, Employee attachment.
MBA in Finance from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, R.B. Pamplin College of Business
BS in Mathematics with a Minor in Physics from Wake Forest University
Refereed Academic Journal Articles
Mendez, M.J., Howell, J.P., & Bishop, J.W. (2014). "Beyond the unidimensional collective leadership model." Leadership and Organization Development Journal (Forthcoming).
Daily, B. F., Bishop, J. W., & Maynard-Patrick, S. (2013). "Practicing what we teach: Applying organizational behavior theory to academic success." Journal of Managerial Issues, 25(1): 8-25.
Al Arkoubi, K., Bishop, J. W., & Scott, K. D. (2013). "An investigation of the determinants of turnover intention among truck drivers in the USA." Journal of Advances in Management, 6(3): 55-61.
Elias, S. E., Barney, C. E., & Bishop, J. W. (2013). "The treatment of self-efficacy among psychology and management scholars." Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43(4): 811-822.
Mahajan, A., Bishop, J. W., & Scott, K. D. (2012). "Does trust in top management mediate top management communication, employee involvement and organizational commitment relationships?" Journal of Managerial Issues, 24(2): 173-190.
Daily, B. F., Bishop, J. W., & Massoud, J. A. (2012). "The role of training and empowerment in environmental performance: A study of the Mexican Maquiladora industry." International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 32(5): 631-647.
Shields, J., Scott, K. D., Bishop, J. W., & Goelzer, P. (2012). "Pay perceptions and their relationships with cooperation, commitment, and intent to quit: A field study." International Studies of Management & Organization, 42(1): 68-86.
Massoud, J. A, Daily, B. F., & Bishop, J. W. (2011). "Perceptions of environmental management systems: An examination of the Mexican manufacturing sector." Industrial Management & Data Systems, 111(1): 5-19.
Daily, B. F., Bishop J. & Govindarajulu, N. (2009). "A conceptual model for organizational citizenship behavior directed toward the environment (OCBE)." Business and Society, 48: 243-256.
Massoud, J. A., Daily, B. F., & Bishop, J. W. (2008). "Reward for environmental performance: Using the Scanlon plan as a catalyst to green organizations." International Journal of Environment, Workplace, and Employment, 4(1): 15-31.
Daily, B. F., Bishop, J. W., & Steiner, R. (2007). "The mediating role of EMS teamwork as it pertains to HR factors and perceived environmental performance." Journal of Applied Business Research, 23(1): 95-110.
McQuitty, S., & Bishop, J. W. (2006). "Issues in multi-item scale testing and development using structural equation models." Journal of Applied Measurement, 7(1): 117-128.
Kuratko, D. F., Hornsby, J. S., & Bishop, J. W. (2005). "Managers’ corporate entrepreneurial actions and job satisfaction." The International Entrepreneurship & Management Journal, 1(3): 275-291.
Watson, G. W., Scott, K. D., Bishop, J. W., & Turnbeaugh, T. (2005). "Dimensions of interpersonal relationships and safety in the steel industry." Journal of Business and Psychology, 19(3): 303-318.
Goldsby, M. G., Kuratko, D., & Bishop, J. W. (2005). "Entrepreneurship & fitness: An examination of rigorous exercise and goal attainment among small business owners." Journal of Small Business Management, 43(1): 78-92.
Bishop, J. W., Scott, K. D., Goldsby, M. G., & Cropanzano, R. L. (2005). "A construct validity study of commitment and perceived support variables: A multi-foci approach across different team environments." Group & Organization Management, 30(2): 153-180.
Daily, B. F., & Bishop, J. W. (2003). "TQM workforce factors and employee involvement: The pivotal role of teamwork." Journal of Managerial Issues, 15(4): 393-412.
Scott, K. D., Bishop, J. W., & Chen, X. (2003). "An examination of the relationship of employee involvement with job satisfaction, employee cooperation, and intent to quit in U.S. invested enterprise in China." International Journal of Organization Analysis, 11(1): 3-19.
Wang, L., Bishop, J. W., Chen, X., & Scott, K. D. (2002). "Collectivist Orientation as a Predictor of Organizational Commitment: A Study Conducted in China." International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 10: 226-239.
Bishop, J. W., Goldsby, M. G., & Neck, C. P. (2002). "Who goes? Who cares? Who stays? Who wants to? The role of contingent workers and corporate layoff practices." Journal of Managerial Psychology, 17(4): 298-315.
Bishop, J. W., & Scott, K. D. (2000). "Organizational and team commitment in a team environment." Journal of Applied Psychology, 85(3): 439-450.
Bishop, J. W., Scott, K. D., & Burroughs, S. M. (2000). "Support, commitment, and employee outcomes in a team environment." Journal of Management, 26(6): 1113-1132.
Bishop, J. W. (2000). "Do layoff practices matter? Their relationship to commitment and perceived organizational support of permanent and temporary employees." Academy of Strategic and Organizational Leadership Journal, 3(2): 29-38.
Bishop, J. W., & Scott, K. D. (1996). "Multiple foci of commitment in a work team environment." In J. B. Keys and L. N. Dosier (eds.) Best Papers Proceedings of the Academy of Management: 269-273. Cincinnati. (Recipient of the Organizational Behavior Division’s Best Paper Award.)
Veliyath, R., & Bishop, J. W. (1995). "The link between CEO compensation and firm performance: Empirical evidence of labor market norms." International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 3(3): 268-283.
Refereed Practitioner Journal Articles
Scott, K. D., Morajda, D., & Bishop, J. W. (2005). "Employee opinion surveys in the internet age: Remember the fundamentals." WorldatWork Journal, 14(4): 32-42.
Bishop, J. W., & Mahajan, A. (2005). "The use of teams in organizations: When a good idea isn’t and when a good idea goes bad." LabMedicine, 36(5): 281-285.
Scott, K. D., Shives, G. K., Bishop, J. W., & Cerra, V. A. (2004). "Building a company culture that drives performance: A case study." WorldatWork Journal, 13(1): 46-54. (formerly Journal of the American Compensation Association).
Scott, K. D., Floyd, J., Benson, P., & Bishop, J. W. (2002). "The impact of the Scanlon Plan on retail store performance." WorldatWork Journal (formerly Journal of the American Compensation Association), 11(3): 25-31.
Scott, K. D., Morajda, D., & Bishop, J. W. (2002). "Increase company competitiveness: 'Tune up' your pay system." WorldatWork Journal (formerly Journal of the American Compensation Association), 11(1): 35-42.
Bishop, J. W. (1997). "Performance and retention of professional employees who work in teams: The effects of commitment and support." Clinical Laboratory Management Review, May/June, 12(3): 150-158.
Bishop, J. W., & Scott, K. D. (1997). "How commitment affects team performance." HRMagazine, 42(2): 107-111.
Refereed Book Chapters
Bishop, J. W., Scott, K. D., Maynard-Patrick, S., & Wang, L. (2013). Teams, Team Process, and Team Building. In L. Garcia and J. C. H. Steele, Jr. (eds.) Clinical laboratory management in the 21st century, Santa Monica, CA: LSG & Associates.
Bishop, J. W., & Wang, L. (2004). Teams, Team Process, and Team Building. In L. Garcia and J. C. H. Steele, Jr. (eds.) Clinical laboratory management in the 21st century, Chapter 18: 333-351. Santa Monica, CA: LSG & Associates. Chen, X.,
Bishop, J. W., & Scott, K. D. (2000). Teamwork in China: Where reality challenges theory and practice. In J. T. Li, A. Tsui, & E. Welden (eds.) Management and organizations in China. Macmillan Press. Chapter 10: 269-282.
2005 $1,000.00 College of Business Research Mini-grant: Intent to quit the organization versus intent to quit law enforcement: The relationship with subsequent performance.
2004 $1,800.00 College of Business Research Mini-grant: An environmental education program for reducing thermoplastic waste in manufacturing in the El Paso/Cd. Juarez area.
2004 $1,150 College of Business Research Mini-grant: Intent to quit the organization versus intent to quit law enforcement: The relationship with subsequent performance.
2004 $218.00 College of Business Research Mini-grant: Do the OCQ and the ACS measure the same thing (affective commitment).
2004 $67,000.00 SCERP grant from the EPA. PI Valles, J., Co-PI Daily, B. F., & Co-PI Bishop, J. W. An environmental Education Program for reducing thermoplastic waste at the U.S./Mexico border. Funded by the Southwest Center for Environmental Research and Policy.
2003 $550.00 College of Business Faculty Development Grant to study multigroup techniques in structural equation modeling methods. Funds matched by Management Department.
2002 $900.00 College of Business Faculty Development Grant to study advanced research methods.
2000-2001 $1,400.00 College of Business Faculty Development Grant to study structural equation modeling.
2000-2001 $16,000.00 Marsh Consulting for Workplace Safety Research. With K. D. Scott, principal investigator, Loyola University Chicago.
2000-2001 $5,000.00 College of Business Research Grant (The University of Tampa).
1999 $1,750.00 Dana grant awarded by The University of Tampa to research work teams in China.
1998 $500.00 scholarship award by CIBER to study International Human Resource Management at the University of Colorado at Denver’s Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER).
1997-1999 $26,900.00 grant by the Center for Human Resource Management (CHRM) at the University of Illinois at Chicago to research the transferability of teamwork across cultures.
1995-1996 $35,000.00 grant awarded by Sara Lee Knit Products to continue research on work team performance.
1996 $2,000.00 grant awarded from the Kramer Faculty Development Fund to complete workshop for Faculty Development in International Human Resource Management (FDIHRM) at the University of Colorado at Denver’s Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER).
1996 $500.00 scholarship award by CIBER to study International Human Resource Management at the University of Colorado at Denver’s Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER).
1995 $350.00 award from the Graduate Student Assembly of Virginia Tech for dissertation research.
1993-1995 $100,000.00 award from the National Science Foundation and Sara Lee Knit Products. Co-investigator K. D. Scott, Virginia Tech. (See Graduate School Research Related Work Experience).
Undergraduate Courses:
MBA Courses:
Ph.D. Seminars:
Student Advising: