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Lawrence LaPlue

Lawrence LaPlue

Department: Economics, Applied Statistics, and International Business

Title: DED Director, Associate Professor

(575) 646-6489
GU 414
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Research and Teaching Interests: International Economics, Environmental Policy, International Business and Development, Political Economy.

Ph.D. in Economics

  • The University of Tennessee, 2016
  • Dissertation Title: "The Environmental Effects of Trade Within and Across Sectors"
  • Chair: Georg Schaur

M.A. in Economics

  • The University of Tennessee, 2012

B.A. in History

  • Bryan College, 2008

Published and Accepted Research

  1. LaPlue, L., J. S. Holladay (2021). "Emissions Demand Within and Across Sectors: Decomposing the Effective Channels". Canadian Journal of Economics, (Accepted; publication in 2021), doi: pending

  2. LaPlue, L., Erickson, C. (2020). "Outsourcing, Trade, Technology, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions". Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 22(2), 217-245, doi: 10.1007/s10018-019-00256-4

  3. Adkisson, R., LaPlue, L., Sroka, C. (2020). "The Role of Initial Conditions in Post-Great Recession Recovery and Development: Single-County MSAs". Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 34(1), 64-77, doi: 10.1177/0891242419894375

  4. LaPlue, L. (2019). "The Environmental Effects of Trade Within and Across Sectors". Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 94, 118-139, doi: 10.1016/j.jeem.2019.01.007

Working Papers:

  1. "Environmental Consequences of Natural Gas Wellhead Pricing Deregulation" (completed/under review) - Lawrence D. LaPlue, III

  2. "Walling Off Crime: An Analysis of the Local Deterrent Effects of Border Control" - Lawrence D. LaPlue, III & Randy McFerrin (completed/under review)

Work in Progress:

  1. "Estimating the residential value premium and behavioral motivations of rooftop solar installations" - Lawrence D. LaPlue, III & Jamal Mamkezri

  2. "Environmental Effects of Import Penetration" - Lawrence D. LaPlue, III, J. Scott Holladay, and Georg Schaur

  3. "Economic Effects of Crime in the Border Region" - Lawrence D. LaPlue, III & Randy McFerrin

  4. "Pollution Havens Revisited: Border Evidence from NAFTA" - Lawrence D. LaPlue, III

ECON 252G: Principles of Micro Economics

ECON 311:Intermediate Macro Economics

ECON 322:Global Economy: Trade and Development

ECON 450:International Economics

ECDV 671:Sustainable Economic Development