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Michelle Jasso

Michelle Jasso

Department: Marketing

Title: Robert O. Anderson Endowed Professor

(575) 646-4611
DOM 214
View CV

Teaching interests: Dr. Jasso has worked with the National Security Agency, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and the country of Morocco as well as several local businesses developing advertising campaigns. Students have developed their own advertising agency and worked for real clients. These are paid campaign projects where students develop their marketing skills and incorporate that experience into their resume which can make them more marketable once they graduate.

Professional Interests: Target market effects on group identity and cultural self-awareness and their implications in consumer persuasion, advertising appeals and strategy.

Professional Achievements: Dr. Jasso has presented at several national and international conferences and her work has been published or is forthcoming in the Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, and the Journal of Advertising.

Ph.D, University of Houston, 2004.

  • Major: Marketing
  • Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Sociology

MBA, New Mexico State University, 2001.

BA, University of Texas at El Paso, 1999.

  • Major: Electronic Media
  • Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Business

Book Chapters

Zuniga, M., Jasso, I. M. (2015). Demographics and Ethnic Minority Lifestyles. In Michel Laroche, Lisa Penaloza and Ahmad Jamal (Ed.), Ethnic Marketing. Routledge. Report Generated on September 12, 2023 Page 5 of 26

Jasso, I. M. (2006). In Nicolas Papadopoulos & Cleopatra Veloutsou (Ed.), Marketing from the Trenches: Perspectives on the Road Ahead (Ch. 17). ATINER.

Refereed Journal Articles

Madadi, R., Jasso, I. M., Fazli-Salehi, R., Zuniga, M. (in press). A Comprehensive Model of Brand Love/Hate. To appear in Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior.

Madadi, R., Jasso, I. M., Fazli-Salehi, R., Zuniga, M. (in press). Brand Love and Ethnic Identification: The Mediating Role of Brand Attachment Among African American Consumers. To appear in Journal of Consumer Marketing.

Madadi, R., Jasso, I. M., Fazli-Salehi, R., Zuniga, M. (in press). Effects of Campaign-Based Logo Changes on Consumers’ Attitude and Behavior: A Case of Social Distancing Messages during the COVID-19 Pandemic. To appear in Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.

Fazli-Salehi, R., Jasso, I. M., Madadi, R., Zuniga, M. (in press). Impact of Consumers’ Impulsiveness and Variety-Seeking Traits on Self-Brand Connection and CommunalBrand Connection with High- vs. Low-Involvement Products. To appear in Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice.

Madadi, R., Jasso, I. M., Zuniga, M. (in press). Is Love Extendable to Relationship Marketing and Supply Chain Management?. To appear in Services Marketing Quarterly.

Fazli-Salehi, R., Jasso, I. M., Madadi, R., Zuniga, M. (in press). Multicultural Advertising: Impact of Consumers’ Need to Belong and Brand Use on Self-Brand Connection and CommunalBrand Connection. To appear in Journal of Marketing Communications.

Fazli-Salehi, R., Jasso, I. M., Madadi, R., Zuniga, M. (in press). The Impact of Consumers’ Ethnic Disidentification and Cosmopolitanism on Multicultural Advertising. To appear in Journal of International Consumer Marketing.

Fazli-Salehi, R., Jasso, I. M., Madadi, R., Zuniga, M. (in press). The Impact of Interpersonal Traits (Extraversion and Agreeableness) on Consumers’ Self-Brand Connection and Communal-Brand Connection with Anthropomorphized Brands. To appear in Journal of Brand Management.

Fazli-Salehi, R., Jasso, I. M., Madadi, R., Zuniga, M. (2022). Sales Approach to Key Account Management (KAM) Concept: Toward a Unified View of KAM Deployment and Operationalization. Services Marketing Quarterly, 42(3-4), 234-252.

Madadi, R., Jasso, I. M., Fazli-Salehi, R., Zuniga, M. (2022). Hierarchical Relationships Among Brand Equity Dimensions: The Mediating Effects of Brand Trust and Brand Love. Services Marketing Quarterly, 42(1-2)), 74-92.

Fazli-Salehi, R., Jasso, I. M., Madadi, R., Zuniga, M. (2022). Social Media Reviewing Channels: The Role of Channel Interactivity and Vloggers’ Self-Disclosure in Consumers’ Parasocial Interaction. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 39(2), 244-253.

Fazli-Salehi, R., Jasso, I. M., Madadi, R., Zuniga, M. (2021). Multicultural Advertising: The Impact of Consumers’ Self-Concept Clarity and Materialism on Self-Brand Connection and Communal-Brand Connection. Journal of Business Research, 137(4), 46-57. Report Generated on September 12, 2023 Page 6 of 26

Madadi, R., Jasso, I. M., Fazli-Salehi, R., Zuniga, M. (2021). The Effects of Advertising Ethnic Cues on Brand Love, Brand Attachment, and Brand Attitude. To appear in Spanish Journal of Marketing, 25(2), 329-349.

Fazli-Salehi, R., Rahim Esfidani, M., Jasso, I. M., Zuniga, M. (2020). Antecedents and Outcomes of Brand Identification with Apple Products among Iranian Consumers. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 31(4), 1-21.

Fazli-Salehi, R., Jasso, I. M., Madadi, R., Zuniga, M. (2020). Conspicuous Consumption: Impact of Narcissism and Need for Uniqueness on Self and Communal Brand Connection in Public vs. Private Use. To appear in Journal of Consumer Marketing, 38(7), 802-812.

Fazli-Salehi, R., Jasso, I. M., Madadi, R., Zuniga, M. (2020). Is Country Affinity Applicable for Domestic Brands? Role of Nation Sentiments in Consumers’ Self-Brand Connection with Domestic vs. Foreign Brands. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 33(3), 731- 754.

Madadi, R., Jasso, I. M., Fazli-Salehi, R., Zuniga, M. (2020). The Impact of Hispanic-Targeted Advertising on Consumers' Brand Love in Services. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 33(2), 137-158.

Fazli-Salehi, R., Jasso, I. M., Madadi, R., Zuniga, M. (2020). The Role of Self-Construal and Competitiveness in Consumers’ Self-Brand Connection with Domestic vs. Foreign Brands. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 33(3), 319-337.

Pan, Y., Jasso, I. M., Zuniga, M., Fazli-Salehi, R. (2020). Social Network Advertising: The Moderating Role of Processing Fluency, Need for Cognition, Expertise, and Gender. Journal of Internet Commerce, 18(1), 1-26.

Fazli-Salehi, R., Rahim Esfidani, M., Jasso, I. M., Zuniga, M. (2019). Antecedents of Students’ Identification with University Brands: A Study on Public Universities in Iran. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31(4), 830-854.

Shahriari, E., Jasso, I. M., Zuniga, M., Alfayez, N. (2019). Picture This: The Role of Mental Imagery in Induction of Food Craving - A Theoretical Framework Based on the Elaborated Intrusion Theory. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37(1), 31-42.

Shahriari, E., Jasso, I. M., Zuniga, M., Yarlou, P. M. (2019). Values Driving Organic Food Purchase Intention: A Comparative Analysis between a Developing Eastern (Iran) and a Developed Western (the USA) Country. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 31(4), 317-329.

Fazli-Salehi, R., Jasso, I. M., Zuniga, M. (2019). Customer, Corporation, and Cause: A Comprehensive Model of Cause Selection in Cause Related Marketing. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 18(3), 173-195.

Fazli-Salehi, R., Rahim Esfidani, M., Jasso, I. M., Zuniga, M. (2019). Developing a Specialized Service Quality Model for Universities. Services Marketing Quarterly, 40(3), 206-223.

Pan, Y., Jasso, I. M., Zuniga, M. (2019). Social Media Communications and Marketing Strategy: A Taxonomical Review of Potential Explanatory Approaches. Journal of Internet Commerce, 18(1), 73-90.

Jasso, I. M., Luna Nevarez, C. (2018). What Products Can Benefit from African American Advertising Appeals? The Moderating Role of Product Involvement. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 32(2), 23-46. Report Generated on September 12, 2023 Page 7 of 26

Zuniga, M., Jasso, I. M. (2017). Millennials’ ethical ideology effects on responses to alcohol advertisements: The role of strength of ethnic identification and ethical appraisal of the ad. Journal of Marketing Communications, 25(7), 702-719.

Zuniga, M., Jasso, I. M., Niculescu, M. (2016). A Bilingual’s Perspective on Polysemous and Single Meaning Slogans. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 24(4), 1-14.

Haytko, D. L., Parker, R. S., Motley, C. M., Jasso, I. M. (2016). Body image and ethnicity: A qualitative exploration. Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 17(2).

Zuniga, M., Jasso, I. M., Niculescu, M. (2015). Boundary Conditions to the Effect of Fluency and Comprehension on Aad when Targeting Hispanics vs Whites with Single Meaning vs Polysemous Slogans. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 32(3), 145-156.

Luna Nevarez, C., Jasso, I. M. (2015). Consumer Attitudes toward Social Network (SN) Advertising: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 36(1), 1-19.

Hamilton, J., Hyman, M. R., Jasso, I. M., Zuniga, M. (2013). Ads by 527 Groups and the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election. Journal of Political Marketing, 12(4), 306-325.

Kopf, D., Jasso, I. M., Ciganek, A. P. (2012). Advertising and Internet Content Providers. Journal of Internet Commerce, 11(2), 81-99. Sierra, J. J., Heiser, R. S., Jasso, I. M. (2012). Text Message Copy in Print Ads: A Shrewd Communicative Strategy?. Journal of Promotion Management, 18(1), 119-143.

Jasso, I. M., Hyman, M. R., Hamilton, J. (2012). Candidate-Sponsored TV Ads for the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election: A Content Analysis. Journal of Political Marketing, 11(3), 189-207.

Kopf, D., Jasso, I. M., Enomoto, C. E. (2011). Advertising’s Unintended Consequence- Economic Growth. Journal of Advertising, 40(4), 5-18.

Al-shaikh, M. S., Jasso, I. M., Zuniga, M., Ghunaim, A. (2011). Jordanian Pharmaceutical Companies: Are Their Efforts Paying Off?. Health Marketing Quarterly, 28(2), 174-189.

Kopf, D. A., Boje, D. M., Jasso, I. M. (2011). The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Dialogical Ethics and Market Information. Journal of Business Ethics, 94, 285-297.

Jasso, I. M., Limbu, Y. (2010). Effects of Attitudes toward Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 32(2), 59-70.

Al-Shaikh, M. S., Jasso, I. M., Zuniga, M., Ghunaim, A. (2010). Internet Commerce in Jordanian Firms. Journal of Internet Commerce, 9(2), 67-82.

Briggs, E., Landry, T., Jasso, I. M. (2010). Services' Influence on Minority Portrayals in Magazine Advertising. Journal of Services Marketing, 24(3), 209-218.

Sierra, J. J., Hyman, M. R., Jasso, I. M. (2009). Using a Model’s Apparent Ethnicity to Influence Viewer Responses to Print Ads: A Social Identity Theory Perspective. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 31(Fall), 41-66.

Limbu, Y., Jasso, I. M. (2009). The Effects of Involvement and Ad Type on Attitudes toward Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs. Journal of Health & Human Services Administration, 32(1), 51-82. Report Generated on September 12, 2023 Page 8 of 26

Heiser, R. S., Sierra, J. J., Jasso, I. M. (2008). Creativity via Cartoon Spokespeople in Print Ads: Capitalizing on the Distinctiveness Effect. Journal of Advertising, 37(4), 75-84.

Jasso, I. M., Briggs, E. (2007). Identification Effects on Advertising Response: The Moderating Role of Involvement. Journal of Advertising, 36(3), 97-108.

Jasso, I. M., Sierra, J. J., Heiser, R. S. (2007). The Effects of Warning Label Placement in Print Ads: A Social Contract Perspective. Journal of Advertising, 36(2), 40-62.

Jasso, I. M. (2007). A Tale of Two Theories- Sympathy or Competition. Journal of Business Research, 60(3), 197-205.

Jasso, I. M., Briggs, E. (2005). Does Hispanic-Targeted Advertising Work for Services?. Journal of Services Marketing, 19(3), 150-156.

Jasso, I. M., Gelb, B. D., Noriega, J. L. (2003). Warning and Informing the Domestic International Market – En Su Idioma. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 22(2), 216-222.

Jasso, I. M., Gelb, B. D. (2002). Hispanic-Targeted Advertising: More Sales?. Journal of Advertising Research, 42(6), 69-75.

Journal Articles

Kopf, D. A., Jasso, I. M. (2014). Advertising, Information and Society. NMSU Business Outlook.

Kopf, D. A., Jasso, I. M. (2014). Advertising, Information and Society. NMSU Business Outlook.


Jasso, I. M. (2011). Advertising & Promotion (ed.). Mcgraw-Hill.

Jasso, I. M. (2011). Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion (ed.). Mason, Ohio: Thomson Learning/South-Western.

Jasso, I. M. (2009). Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion (ed.). Mason, Ohio: Thomson Learning/South-Western.

Jasso, I. M. (2009). Marketing Management Review (ed.). Cengage Learning.

Jasso, I. M. (2005). Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion (ed.). Mason, Ohio: Thomson Learning/South-Western.

Jasso, I. M. (2005). Principles of Advertising & Integrated Marketing Communication with Ad Simulation CD-Rom (2nd ed.). McGraw Hill.




MKTG 449, PROMOTION MGT: 13 courses

MKTG 459, Promotion Management: 10 courses

MKTG 489, STRATEGY & POLICY: 34 courses

MKTG 490, Selected Topics: 1 course

MKTG 498, Independent Study: 3 courses

MKTG 500, CONCEPTS IN MKTG: 1 course

MKTG 503, MARKETING MGMT: 4 courses



MKTG 698, SELECTED TOPICS: 5 courses