Student-Managed Investment Fund (SMIF)

Contact: TBD.

Student-managed investments are funded through the Cheryl Glass Wetherbe and James C. Wetherbe Dean’s Excellence Fund for Student Investment.

The Wetherbe Fund. In 2006, James C. Wetherbe established the Cheryl Glass Wetherbe and James C. Wetherbe Dean’s Excellence Fund for Student Investment with the NMSU Foundation.

The fund was established with the $75,000 net proceeds from selling a 1957 Chevrolet automobile (a turquoise rag-top no less!) and from the proceeds of a Rolex watch, both of which were received as gifts from Mr. Wetherbe.

This fund is administered as a student-managed investment fund through prudent investment management techniques. The fund’s allocations to different asset classes are established in accordance with the principles of Modern Portfolio Theory augmented with the methodology of Black and Litterman.

The first investments into the fund were made in January 2007.